ISSA Keelboat Courses
The ISSA Keelboat Courses are very popular courses for weekend sailors. They enable beginner or intermediate sailors to develop skills and competence on yachts that are uncomplicated but have truely impressive performance when its windy and are the only boats in harbour that still move effectively in light winds. Sail in Asia really like these boats because of their similarity to sailing dinghies. No frills and instruments to worry about, just an iPad for the Navionics Plotter and away you go!
Keelboat Courses are two days in duration for all three courses. Keelboat Crew, Keelboat Navigator and Keelboat Skipper. Costs are kept down but enjoyment is high!
Weekend courses are really very popular with Sailing Club Members and the students taking ISSA courses. Keelboats are as simple and exhilerating as dinghies but a lot drier to sail. Learn the ropes and join in flotilla sailing to the islands. Now thats fun!

ISSA VHF Radio Course
VHF Radio is a very important safey net system that marine craft use every day. The basic vhf radio is now updated with a DSC VHF Radio that is able to send either analogue or digital radio transmissions. The VHF Radio Course is a yachts main safety system as it is possible to use in many situations that a mobile telephone would not! Consequently the radio is marinised (weather proofed) and thus rugged and reliable.
The course covers all aspects of use. Simple communications, professional channels, Channel 16, ship to ship channels and of course the Emergency and Urgency channel 16. Students learn to send messages that are normal and routine from yacht to yacht ,right thru to sending Mayday Relays, to other vessels, or coastguards. The VHF radio course is assessed by a one hour exam and by a course handbook with assessments and exercises.
COURSE AVAILABILTY: This course is 1 day in duration – the VHF Radio course is run on 5th and the 19th of every month. Private courses may be arranged by mutual agreement.

Book Early for Maximum Discount!

ISSA Keelboat Crew Course
The 2 day ISSA Keelboat Crew Course is one of our most popular courses. This is the course if you are a beginner to sailing and are wanting to see if you like the sport and perhaps then sign up for more sailing courses. Its the perfect boat for the weekend with two or three friends. The boat can actually take 6 people and its just so much fun! If you want to complete a course we can take up to 5 people plus an instructor.
COURSE AVAILABILTY: This course is 2 days duration – The Keelboat Crew course is run on 1st and 2nd, or 15th and 16th of each month. Private courses can be scheduled in at any time in the month in Phuket.

Book Early for Maximum Discount!

Keelboat Navigator Course
The Keelboat Navigator Course is fun! Its about learning to navigate using modern tablet or iPad software that enables you to go further afield in a boat that is a great dayboat but isnt fitted with tons of electronics but has high quality chart plotter software to make coastal sailing easy and to ensure you have quality tidal information and weather reports. Talk to us on Whats App if you’d like to ask any questions.
COURSE AVAILABILTY: This course is 2 days duration 1st – 2nd and 15th – 16th of every month – the date you select below is an indication, we will contact you directly to confirm availability

ISSA Keelboat Skipper Course
The ISSA Keelboat Skipper course is aimed at students who have completed at least 100 hours in a Keelboat as crew or Navigator. The students will therefore be capable helms and seafarers who are ready and confident to learn how to be in charge of a small crew in daylight hours in weather up to Beaufort F4 winds and wave conditions.
The skipper trainees will be capable of heaving to, luffing up, reefing, anchoring, sailing efficiently on all points of sail and managing a crew successfully in most sailing conditions. The skipper will have a good understanding of weather forecasting and crew management and safety. They will be good navigators and able to use modern GPS plotters and tablet softaware such as Navionics.
COURSE AVAILABILTY: This course is 2 days duration 1st – 2nd and 15th – 16th of every month – the date you select below is an indication, we will contact you directly to confirm availability