Inshore Skipper Motor Yacht Course is a 10 day course that has three elements to it. VHF Radio, Inshore Skipper 1 and Inshore Skipper 2. The ISSA course hand book is very comprehensive and is what is required for ICC compliancy. The ISSA Inshore Skipper handbook has been written on every subject that is required for sailing or chartering a yacht. This also includes a section on engines and modern navigation chart plotters.
The ISSA Motor Yacht Inshore Skipper should be a competent learner skipper by course end but be aware that if you don’t practice your new skills on completing a course you lose them after a while. SIA are aware of this and every course member is given a free membership of Phuket Water Sports Centre and with this we expect many students to come and sail at weekends or in holidays. Check out our Phuket Water Sports Club and see if it gives you a bonus you didn’t expect?
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