Once you have learned to sail a Platu you might want to go a bit further afield. Platus dont have lots of instruments just sails and an outboard engine. However these days we all can navigate a yacht as long as we attend a two day course which teaches us to us Navionics chartplotter software and the knowledge and skill to understand how to set up routes and how to learn the basic symbols and tools for navigation, weather prediction, tidal heights and streams and what dangers to avoid. Its really easy and means the navigator can still participate in this ISSA Keelboat Navigator Course and still act as crew, or helmsman.
Check out our Keelboat Navigator Course handbook and download it from our shop. Its a really great book that can be purchased online prior to coming on our course or bought when you get to one of SIA’s schools for your course. The pdf version is less expensive and you can request a printed version if you are coming to us to do the course.
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