The RIB Skipper 1 Course is a one day short course that has been designed to enable beginners to power boating to get a safe introduction to Rigid Inflatabe Boats. The course seeks to reduce the likely hood of purchasing a boat but not having organised and safe practices demonstrated before going on water. ISSA is committed to enabling recreational boating and safe practices by recreational boaters. This is a course that starts with Safety and ends with happy new power boaters who have learned new skills and have an understanding of what is involved in using a RIB.
ISSA RIB Skipper 1 Handbook (version 1) is available to purchase in the Shop and is a useful handbook for this course. It covers the introductory course in detail and is a valuable source of information for a RIB user.
COURSE AVAILABILTY: The RIB Skipper 1 course is a 1 day course – the course is usually run on 29th ,or 30th of each month but can be organised differently for Private Courses
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