ISSA RIB Skipper & Small Boat Courses
The ISSA RIB Skipper Certificate is a course addressed to candidates that already have a good understanding of sailing/boat handling, nautical terminology and safety at sea and wish to recreationally skipper, power driven yachts up to 15m LOA.The aim of the course is to increase the candidates’ nautical knowledge to competently take on the duties of a RIB Skipper on board a yacht, or superyacht during the day and night hours and up to 20 NM from shelter in fair weather, and moderate sea conditions.

RIB Skipper 1 Course
The RiB skipper 1 Course is an introductory familiarisation course for beginners to RIBs. The Rigid Inflatable Boat is extremely popular all over the world. Generally it’s made of two materials, Hypalon and PVC. The PVC boat lasts about 3-5 years but degrades in the sun, Hypalon RIBs last about twice as long however, but they are almost double the price! Usually these boats are powered by 2 stroke or 4 stroke outboard engines. The 4 stroke is the much cleaner (environmentally speaking) ICE engine and the more reliable. RIBS come in many sizes from small 2.4 dinghies to 15m RIBs that are used by commercial concerns to facilitate offshore oil and gas operations as well as coastguard and life saving / safety roles. Consequently there is a huge demand for training for these vessels.
The RIB Skipper 1 is a one day course aimed at introducing the boat to a beginner. The safe operation of this vessel cannot be under stated. This course aims to be a familiarisation and introduction to safe operating practices. The following topics are covered by this course:
- Safety
- Knots and ropework
- The RIB – Parts of the boat
- Launching a RIB safely
- The Outboard Engine – 2 stroke or 4 stroke
- Fuel handling
- Slow speed manouvers
- Higher speed manouvers
- Coming alongside a vessel.
- Recovering a RIB on a beach or slipway
- Anchoring a RIB
- Towing with a RIB
COURSE AVAILABILTY: The RIB Skipper 1 course is a 1 day course – the course is usually run on 29th or 30th of each month the date you select below is an indication, we will contact you directly to confirm availability

RIB Skipper 2 Course- ISSA RIB & Small Boat Course
The RIB Skipper 2 course is designed to train a beginner to be a competent operator of a boat and to understand fundamentals such as safety, boat handling, mooring, anchoring, towing and including seamanship topics such as collision regulations. The 2 day course is partly theory and partly practical. The following topics are covered by the course and supported in the RIB Skipper 2 Handbook:
- Safety
- Collision Regulations
- Taking over a vessel
- Meteorology
- Pilotage and passage planning
- Boat handling
- Simple chartwork and GPS plotter operation
- Safety equipment
- Engines and checks
- Launching and recovery
- Responsibilities of skipper
RIB Skipper Courses start on
15th and 29th of each month
COURSE AVAILABILTY: This course is 2 days duration – the date you select below is an indication, we will contact you directly to confirm availability